Editors' Code of Conduct in Research Integrity and Publishing Practices

Editors' Code of Conduct in Research Integrity and Publishing Practices

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Program Schedule




Lecture 1
Topic: The Vital Role Of MESH Terms & Citations

Dr. Sankalp Yadav
 General Duty Medical Officer-II ,
Department of Medicine & Tuberculosis , Shri Madan Lal Khurana Chest Clinic, Moti Nagar, Municipal Corporation of Delhi, New Delhi

Lecture 2
Topic: Unleashing the Journal Indexing and Impact by


Dr. SS Jha,
Director, Harishchandra Orthopaedic Research Institute, Patna, Bihar

President, IESRF


Lecture 3
Topic: Research Integrety And Publishing Practices


Dr. Lalit Gupta
Department of Anaesthesia Maulana Azad Medical College and Associated Hospital , New Delhi

Orcid:  https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7291-5961


We are organizing an online training titled "Editors' Code of Conduct in Research Integrity and Publishing Practices". The goal of this event is to enhance understanding among our Editors and Researchers about the essential principles and standards for maintaining integrity and best practices in research publishing. This training will cover the ethical responsibilities of editors, common challenges in the field, and strategies for upholding high standards in research dissemination.


The event is organized by Innovative Education and Scitentific Research Foundation (IESRF) in collaboration with IP Innovative Publication , this event will focus on the 'Editors' Code of Conduct in Research Integrity and Publishing Practices.' It will offer insights into maintaining ethical standards in academic publishing, including managing conflicts of interest, ensuring quality peer review, and promoting transparency. The session promises to provide valuable discussions on upholding research integrity throughout the publishing process.


Registrations are open for this online event, It will be conducted in Online mode. Interested candidates can register to be a part of the session. We invite our researchers and librarians to contribute their presence in the same. All participants will be getting the Certificate of Participation after the successful completion of the event. In case of any queries for the same, feel free to write to us at: rakesh.its@gmail.cominfo@ipinnovative.com


Contact Details:
Ph.: +91-11-61364114, 61364115, 40582495
Mob: 8826373757, 7042173783,
Email: rakesh.its@gmail.com, info@ipinnovative.com, subscription@ipinnovative.com
Website: www.ipinnovative.com,


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